Frequently asked questions


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Return and exchange

Unopened and undamaged products can be returned to us within 14 days of receipt of the delivery. After receipt and inspection of the return shipment, we will arrange for a refund of the purchase amount. The following rules apply:

The following items are not returnable or exchangeable:

  • Used, defective and damaged items.
  • Articles which are no longer in perfect original packaging.
  • Incomplete items (missing components and packaging, etc.)
  • Discounted items and items from the category SALE
  • Credits will be refunded to you in the same form as you paid for the purchase.
  • If you have ordered by invoice, please wait for the new invoice.
  • Shipping costs are not reimbursed for returns and exchanges.

Shipping costs for the return of items shall be borne by the customer. To ensure that your return goes smoothly, please contact us at to send us an e-mail.